ER Microsensor is a unique provider of stock and custom micro-electronic sensor solutions. We are the exclusive manufacturers and distributors of MicroSense™ micro-electrical sensor and MicroAct™ micro-electrical-mechanical systems (MEMS) products based on our state-of-the-art technology.
Microsensors are miniature, low cost devices that convert information about the environment into an electrical form that can be read by miniature electronic circuits. Microsensors are used as local, and increasingly remote, input devices for information systems as computing power increases and communications systems proliferate.
Microsensors thus function as remote eyes, ears, nose, and touch for humans, giving us the ability to become simultaneously aware of many remote environments. They can even extend our range of senses by monitoring for potentially hazardous situations or trace concentrations of dangerous chemicals that no human can detect. ER Microsensor is developing new sensor technologies to address a number of these applications.
We offer microsensor device development to your unique requirements, including:
We offer Micro-Electrical-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) devices, including:
Outstanding quality assurance - testing data verification supplied.